Titolarità e oggetto della Piattaforma Web

Il sito Web www.ilovevippets.com (in seguito, “il sito web” o “la piattaforma”) è una piattaforma informatica proprietà di IMC TOYS S.A. (il seguito “l'Azienda” o “IMC TOYS”), società legalmente costituita secondo la legislazione spagnola, con domicilio en C/ Pare Llaurador, 172 - 08224 Terrasa (Barcellona), munita di Codice Fiscale/Partita IVA A-08667370 e iscritta nell'Ufficio del Registro delle Aziende di Barcellona nel tomo 4547, foglio 134 e pagina numero 48657.

La nostra pagina web è stata disegnata con il fine di offrire a utenti, clienti e consumatori informazioni particolareggiate sui nostri prodotti, giocattoli e attività. Attraverso la nostra piattaforma è possibile conoscere i diversi giocattoli di IMC TOYS e le loro caratteristiche, funzionalità e specifiche.

Accettazione dei Termini e delle Condizioni

L'accesso e l'uso della nostra Piattaforma, come anche le informazioni, i servizi e i contenuti sono soggetti alla legislazione e alla normativa regolatrice applicabile, così come alle disposizioni stabilite nei presenti Termini e Condizioni per l'Uso.

L'Utente dichiara di aver letto e compreso i Termini e le Condizioni per l'Uso della Piattaforma il cui contenuto costituisce la totalità dell'accordo tra l'Utente e la IMC TOYS e li accetta. Utilizzando una qualsiasi delle funzionalità del nostro sito web, l'utente dichiara esplicitamente di aver letto e compreso i Termini e le Condizioni per l'Uso della Piattaforma, la Politica di Privacy della Piattaforma e le altre politiche corporative di IMC TOYS applicabili e li accetta. Inoltre, l'Utente riconosce e accetta che i servizi e i contenuti offerti attraverso la Piattaforma non violano la normativa e/o le regolazioni vigenti applicabili, né dovranno essere utilizzari per violarle.

Se l'utente è minorenne, il padre, la madre, il tutore o il rappresentante legale dovrà rivedere e analizzare i presenti Termini e Condizionii per l'Uso. L'accesso o l'uso della pagina web da parte di un minore gli attribuisce le condizioni di Utente e implica l'accettazione piena e senza riserve di tutte le disposizioni incluse in questi Termini e Condizioni per l'Uso da parte del minore e dei genitori, tutori o rappresentanti legali, che avranno l'obbligo di esercitare il dovuto controllo sull'uso della Piattaforma da parte del minore.

IMC TOYS si riserva il diritto di modificare i Termini e le Condizioni per l'Uso della Piattaforma in qualsiasi momento e senza obbligo di notifica specifica all'Utente. È pertanto importante che l'Utente consulti regolarmente i Termini e le Condizioni per l'Uso.

Esclusioni di Responsabilità

A seguito delle situazioni imprevedibili che caratterizzano gli ambiti tecnologici e Internet, IMC TOYS si riserva il diritto di sospendere temporaneamente l'accesso o qualsiasi funzionalità offerta dalla Piattaforma, sia per ragioni di carattere tecnico, che per motivi di sicurezza o per interventi di manutenzione. La sospensione dei servizi non conferisce diritto alcuno di compensazione all'Utente, anche se IMC TOYS farà quanto possibile per limitare qualsiasi sospensione o interruzione dei servizi. IMC TOYS si riserva inoltre il diritto di implementare e realizzare cambi e/o aggiornamenti del sito web in qualsiasi momento, con o senza preavviso. In qualsiasi caso, l'Utente riconosce e accetta che IMC TOYS potrà realizzare determinate azioni per impedire l'accesso dell'Utente alla Piattaforma in determinati momenti e per periodi limitati. L'Utente accetta pertanto che IMC TOYS non sarà responsabile, come risultato di dette azioni, dell'eliminazione o messa a disposizione di determinati contenuti o funzionalità della piattaforma web.

IMC TOYS non rappresenta, né garantisce, l'ottenimento di determinati risultati dopo l'uso dei servizi della Piattaforma. Di conseguenza, per nessun motivo IMC TOYS, suoi rappresentanti, dirigenti e/o impiegati saranno responsabili di qualsiasi danno imprevisto, fortuito, speciale o conseguente, includendo a titolo enunciativo ma non limitativo cualsiasi perdita di guadagno, di dati o di opportunità d'affari, errori di software, abbiamo o meno carattere prevedibile o che risultino o abbiano connessione diretta o indiretta con l'uso della Piattaforma.

IMC TOYS declina esplicitamente qualsiasi responsabilità su quei contenuti, attività di qualsiasi tipo, prodotti e/o servizi a cui si possa accedere dalla nostra Piattaforma, direttamente o indirettamente, mediante link, ivi inclusi quei siti web di marchi che collaborano con IMC TOYS. I link inclusi o che possano giungere ad essere inclusi nella nostra pagina web non costituiscono nessun tipo di rapporto tra IMC TOYS e le persone fisiche o giuridiche titolari dei siti web a cui si può accedere mediante questi link, né suppone suggerimento. invito o raccomandazione alcuna sul sito o sui suoi contenuti.

IMC TOYS declina esplicitamente ogni responsabilità per qualsiasi danno o perdita che possa subire l'Utente a seguito di un uso improprio della Piattaforma o se l'Utente non rispetta i Termini e le Condizioni di Uso del sito web.

Proprietà Intellettuale

L'Utente riconosce e accetta che tutti i diritti, i titoli e gli interessi della Piattaforma e associati alla Piattaforma web, ai contenuti di questa e alle sue applicazioni informatiche, eventualmente includendo qualsiasi modifica, aggiornamento e nuove versioni, così come qualsiasi marchio, denominazione commerciale, know-how, diritto d'autore, nome di dominio e qualsiasi altro diritto di proprietà industriale o intellettuale inerente alla Piattaforma sono proprietà esclusiva di IMC TOYS o sono utilizzati da IMC TOYS su licenza e con la dovuta autorirrazione dei titolari di detti diritti, titoli o interessi. In questo senso, l'Utente non acquisisce nessun diritto di proprietà intellettuale o industriale per il semplice uso della nostra pagina web e di qualsiasi delle sue funzionalità, col che in nessun momento detto uso sarà considerato come un'autorizzazione o licenza per utilizzare i contenuti della Piattaforma con fini diversi da quelli contemplati in questi Termini e Condizioni per l'Uso.

In virtù di quanto precede, è vietata la riproduzione, totale o parziale, la modifica, la trasformazione, la copia, la distribuzione, la comunicazione pubblica o qualsiasi altra forma di sfruttamento della pagina web, suoi contenuti, applicazioni, design e forma di presentazione dei contenuti, così come dei codici fonte e di tutti quegli elementi che formano la struttura e il look&feel della Piattaforma. L'Utente, inoltre, riconosce e accetta che è vietato scomporre, effettuare ingegneria inversa o realizzare opere derivare dal software che sopporta il funzionamento e l'accesso alla pagina web e dei servizi in essa contenuti.

La violazione di qualsiasi delle disposizioni qui stipulate comporterà l'incoazione da parte di IMC TOYS delle azioni legali pertimenti per la tutela dei propri diritti, titoli e interessi, includendo la facoltà di reclamare il risarcimento danni corrispondente.

Politica di Privacy, Protezione Dati e Politica di Cookie

Con l'accettazione di questi Termini e Condizioni per l'Uso, l'Utente dichiara di aver letto e compreso la nostra Politica di Privacy, Protezione Dati e Politica di Cookie e la accetta.

Legge Applicabile e Foro Competente

L'interpretazione e l'applicazione dei Termini e delle Condizioni per l'Uso della Piattaforma si reggeranno sulla Legislazione Spagnola. Per la soluzione di qualsiasi conflitto che possa insorgere sull'interpretazione e/o esecuzione dei Termini e delle Condizioni per l'Uso qui previsti, le parti, con esplicita rinuncia al proprio fori, se diverso, accettano di sottoporsi alla giurisdizione e alla competenza dei Tribunali di Barcellona. Ciononostante, se la Legislazione Spagnola o Regionale per la tutela dei Consumatori e degli Utenti stabilisce la possibilità che l'Utente scelga il foro corrispondente alla propria località di residenza, si procederà come disposto in detta normativa.


Per qualsiasi dubbio o chiarimento sui servizi offerti dalla nostra Piattaforma web e sui Termini e Condizioni che la regolano, è possibile mettersi in contatto per iscritto con i nostri uffici:

C/ Pare Llaurador, 172
08224 - Terrassa (Barcellona)



1. Processing of personal data

In accordance with the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter, “GDPR”), we inform that all personal data provided by the User through the Website www.imctoys.com (hereinafter, the “Website”)  and applications or other websites related to our products and services will be incorporated and processed in the files and processing systems owned by the company IMC TOYS, S.A., (hereinafter, “IMC”) with the sole purpose of being able to attend your requests and keep you informed, even by electronic means, about our products and services.

2. Basic Information on Personal Data Protection

Basic Information on Personal Data Protection

Data Controller



  • To be able to contact the User and manage the basic administration tasks; 
  • Attend and properly manage queries, comments, incidents or suggestions submitted; 
  • Attend and properly manage the requests for budgets that have been sent to us using the Webs; 
  • Receipt of CVs of candidates through the Website.
  • To carry out draws, raffles, contests and promotions through our Website, app, or through any other necessary collaborator, as well as through social media;
  • Send commercial communications related to our products and services.
  • To publish images, videos and recording on social media or on the Website, with prior consent; 
  • Keep you informed, either by electronic means or mobile devices, or by any other means that has been foreseen and facilitated, of IMC events that may be of interest to you; 
  • Statistical analysis of visits to the Web and behavior of its users in it. 
  • Properly manage navigation through this Website.
  • Manage the relationship with end customers and purchase the acquired products.  

Legal Basis

Data subject’s consent, contractual relationship and legitimate interest.


We do not transfer data to third parties, except when necessary to provide de requested services by the clients, previous information to the client, or by legal requirement, and any other collaborators that may be necessary to provide the services, duly informing the User, in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR. When carrying out a raffle or contest data of the winners might be communicated to third parties according to legal bases in each case.


Access, rectification, erasure, objection, restriction of processing, data portability and not to be the subject of automated individual decisions and the right to withdraw consent
Contact the Supervisory Authority to file a claim, if deemed appropriate. 

Detailed information

Consult detailed information about data protection below.



3 Detailed information on data protection

3.1 Data Controller

The controller of the User’s information is IMC TOYS, S.A. company, located in Pare Llaurador St. 172, Terrassa, 08224 (Barcelona), Spain, with Tax I.D number A-08667370, telephone number 937888992 and email datos@imctoys.com.


3.2. Purpose of the data processing

The User may provide us, on a voluntary basis, personal information, either through certain forms of data collection (included in the Website, social media, records to events in paper format, by phone, etc.), through email addresses authorized for this purpose.

The access by IMC to the personal data of the User, will be for the following purposes: 

  • To be able to contact the User and manage the basic administration tasks; 
  • Attend and properly manage queries, comments, incidents or suggestions submitted;
  • Attend and properly manage the requests for budgets that have been sent to us using the Webs; 
  • Receipt of CVs of candidates through the Website.
  • To carry out draws, raffles, contests and promotions through our Website, app or through any other necessary collaborator, as well as through social media;
  • To send commercial communications related to our products and services of your interest.
  • To publish images, videos or recordings on our Website or on social media profiles, with the prior consent of the User or their legal representatives, in the cases, including but not limited to, where the data subject has attended our events or has participated in our raffles, contests or promotions;
  • Keep you informed, either by electronic means or mobile devices, or by any other means that has been foreseen and facilitated, of IMC events that may be of interest to you; 
  • Statistical analysis of visits to the Web and behavior of its users in it. 
  • Properly manage navigation through this Website.
  • Manage the relationship with end customers and purchase the acquired products. 

Regarding the processing of your data for promotional or advertising purposes, the interested party will be provided, together with the corresponding data collection form, the appropriate, simple and free procedure, so that they can freely give their consent to this effect. The consent granted can be revoked at any time and at no cost to the interested party.

Regarding the data processing carried out by carrying out raffles, contests and / or promotions, we inform you that we may carry them out through third-party websites outside our Website, as well as contract the services of websites specialized in these services. In these cases, we strongly recommend that you carefully read its Privacy Policies and Terms and Conditions.


In addition, we inform you that the data of end customers collected through online sales platforms and other sales systems will be processed, in order to supply  the products purchased and manage the sale and relationship with the client.

Likewise, taking into account the aforementioned purposes, a commercial profile will be prepared, based on the information provided. No automated decisions will be made based on said profile.


3.2.1. Data storage

The personal data provided by the User will be kept by IMC as long as there is a contractual and/or commercial relationship with the User, as well as during the 6 years following the same in accordance with the commercial obligations of art. 30 of the Commercial Code or, as the case may be, during the maximum legal period allowed by the data protection legislation, including the preservation of certain data that would be useful in the event of a claim arising from the provision of agreed services, and, with regarding to commercial communications, as long as the User does not request the right to erasure, objection and/or restriction of the processing of personal data.

In these cases IMC will keep the data duly blocked, without giving it any use, while they may be necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or may derive some type of judicial, legal or contractual responsibility from the processing, which must be attended to and for which its recovery is necessary.


3.3. Children

This Website is not intended for minors. In any case, children under 14 years old should not send any personal information without the consent of their parent or guardian. IMC is not responsible for any personal information sent by children under 14 years without the appropriate authorization.

When IMC requires data of children under 14 years old, for instance, to participate in raffles or contests, it will be required that their parents or guardian need to give their consent for the corresponding data processing. Otherwise, the personal data provided will not be stored and no data processing will be carried out.


3.4. Legal grounds for the processing of personal data

The legal basis for the processing of the User’s data is the legitimate interest in addressing the requests made by User and the consent for the reception of CVs and the participation in raffles and contests and to be able to keep the User informed, even by electronic means, about our products and services. Also, such purpose is not subject to the consent of processing of data that is not necessary for said purpose.


3.5. Data Recipients

IMC does not transfer data to third parties, except when necessary to provide de requested services by the clients, previous information to the client, or by legal requirement, and any other collaborators that may be necessary to provide the services, duly informing the User, in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR. When carrying out a raffle or contest data of the winners might be communicated to third parties according to legal bases in each case.


3.6. Exercise of rigths

The User may exercise the following rights, as provided in the GDPR, in relation to the processing of his/her personal data:

  • The right to request access to the personal data relating to the data subject. 
  • The right to request the rectification or erasure of personal data.
  • The right to request the restriction of processing personal data.
  • The right to object to processing of personal data. 
  • The right to data portability.
  • The right to not be subjected to automated individual decision-making. 


Such rights may be exercised through a written communication addressed to IMC TOYS S.A., Pare Llaurador street, 172, Terrassa, 08224 (Barcelona), Spain, with C.I.F. A-08667370, or by e-mail to datos@imctoys.com. In both cases, the interested User must accompany a copy of his/her national identity document, passport or other valid document to identify him/her. IMC will send a communication within one month after the reception of the request, in conjunction, where appropriate, with other information that may be relevant to solve the request.


3.7. Security measures

IMC has implemented the necessary measures to maintain the level of security required, depending on the nature of the personal data processed and the circumstances of the processing, in order to avoid, to the extent possible and always according to the state of the art, its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access.

Also, IMC guarantees that it has implemented mechanisms to:

  1. Ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and services.
  2. Restore the availability and access to personal data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident
  3. Regularly test, assess and evaluate the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures for ensuring the security of the processing.
  4. Pseudoanonymise and encrypt personal data, where applicable. 


3.8. Scope of application

The structure of files, equipment and information systems, will be applied to all files, temporary or permanent, owned by IMC containing personal data, as well as any other equipment or information system that process them, in order to comply with the legislation in force on data protection.


3.9. User’s consent

The User declares to have read and expressly accepted this privacy policy when registering in IMC, granting his unequivocal and express consent to IMC, to the processing of data in accordance with the purposes and services reflected herein.

In the event that the User provides IMC with third parties’ personal data, the User declares that these data are truthful and that he has requested the consent of these third parties, whose data we have been provided with, and has informed them that their personal data will be processed by IMC in the same terms the User has been informed and given his consent in this privacy policy. The User undertakes to hold IMC harmless from any possible claim, fine or sanction that may be required to be borne as a result of the breach by the User of the duty described in this paragraph.


3.10. Commercial and promotional information

If the User has authorized us to do so, IMC will process the personal data provided with the aim of notifying you of business content and commercial communications of IMC.


3.11. Social Media

IMC is present on several social media such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn without prejudice to sign up in other platforms in the future, in order to give IMC and our services, contests, raffles, promotions, events, etc. more reach and visibility. In the event that the followers of our profiles contact IMC through social media or publish information on our profile containing personal data, it will be the sole responsibility of the User and/or follower, being IMC exempt from any responsibility in relation to the content that the User or follower incorporates in our public profiles. As the IMC profile on social media is public, IMC is not responsible for any direct or indirect action taken by third parties derived from the User’s publication of their personal data in our social media profiles. Therefore, we strongly ask you not to share any personal or sensitive information and to carefully read the Privacy Policies and Terms and Conditions of these social platforms.

Anyone who does not wish to continue to be a follower of IMC in the corresponding social media, can stop following said profile as provided in the Terms and Conditions of the particular social platform. The images or information published by the Users in our profiles will remain in them until the User withdraws the consent, addressing the request to the social media platform. Likewise, IMC may publish photographs, videos and recordings of the data subjects, with their prior consent or their legal representatives, in case, for example, of having attended our events or having participated in our raffles, contests or promotions The processing that IMC carries out within social media will be, at the most, the one that the social media allows for commercial profiles. So, IMC may inform, when the law does not prohibit it, its followers, and, by any means allowed by the social platform, about its activities, services, contests, raffles, promotions, events, etc. as well as providing personalized customer service through the social media platform. Any User may exercise their data protection rights by contacting IMC at the address and email address indicated in section 3.6 of this Privacy Policy.


3.12. Confidentiality and professional secrecy

The data collected in all the private communications between IMC and the Users will be processed with absolute confidentiality, committing IMC to the obligation of secrecy of the personal data, to its duty to keep them and adopt all the measures necessary to prevent their alteration, loss and unauthorized access, in accordance with the applicable legislation.

In addition, information of any kind that the parties exchange with each other shall also be classified as confidential, as well as any information that the parties agree to have such nature, or the one that simply deals with the content of such information. The visualization of data over the Internet, will not imply direct access to them, unless there is express consent from its holder for each occasion.


3.13. Changes in security and data protection policy

IMC reserves the right to modify its security and data protection policy in order to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence, as well as those that may derive from existing standard codes in the matter, or by strategic corporate decisions, with effect from the date of publication of this modification on the IMC Web page.


3.14. Links

In relation to the links to other portals or web pages not managed by IMC that may appear on the portal for information purposes, IMC does not exercise any control over them, nor does respond to the information accessed. Unless IMC has authorized it in advance and in writing, you cannot insert a link, hyperlink, framing or similar link on the Website.

In case of following us on social media such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube or LinkedIn, review their privacy policies to find out how they process and shares your personal data , since IMC does not exercise any control over them or has any liability regarding the information that the social media has access to.


Access to this website may involve the use of cookies and other files that function in a similar way. Cookies are small files that are downloaded on the devices used to access the Website. Cookies enable the Company, among other things, to store and recover information on a user’s browsing habits or those of his computer, and, depending on the information that they contain and the way that he uses the device to access the Website, they can be used to recognize the user.

Those users that do not wish to receive cookies or want to be informed before they are stored on their computer, can configure their browser for this purpose. For more information see our “Cookies Policy”.